Well, I've been home for 2 weeks. The trip was amazing and seeing European style definitely makes me want to dress better. I honestly believe clothing stores on the other side of the pond sell better clothing (in terms of fit, variety, quality, price, etc.). I didn't get to shop in Spain or Italy, despite the fact that it seems July is when all the stores post their major sales in order to get ready for the new season. Oh well, I did a hefty little shopping spree last week and got some purchases I'm really excited about. One recent thing I've bought recently that I believe needed its own post was.....(drum roll)....a fanny pack. Yep, I said it.
I've actually wanted one for a quite a while. My reasons are pretty lame. Sadly, I've wanted a fanny pack to rave with just because purses are so impractical and I usually don't have pockets (and I wouldn't even trust to keep my things in my pockets to begin with). I had wanted the American Apparel one shown here:

Not bad for $14, considering I think AA is completely overpriced. I'm glad I didn't buy it thought because I think I found a great bag to get rid of my AA want.
I present my new bag that can work as a 1) a clutch, 2) a shoulder bag (with a length I can change), and 3) a belt/fanny pack. I wore it out last Thursday and given my friends' reactions, I think I done gooood:

I really like how it went with my outfit, but that'll be a later post, when I upload some pictures from my camera. :)